You Can’t Get Slim Arms With Night Eating Syndrome

by Katherine Crawford M.S.

Night eating syndrome is thin arm enemy #1.

And what exactly is NES? Also known as night eating syndrome, NES is a condition where you have extremely small quantities of food during the day and have extremely LARGE quantities of food at night. It also messes up your levels of arm-thinning hormones.

But how do you know whether or not you have night eating syndrome to begin with? Well, do you have any of the following symptoms:

1. No breakfast. The complete skipping of breakfast, and in extreme cases lunch, is a cardinal sign of NES. Do you bolt out of your house every morning without having ANYTHING to eat?

2. Reduced mental function. A poor mood with little ability to concentrate can be indicative of poor early day nutrition. When you restrict calories during the earlier parts of the day, mental functioning and mood will be greatly reduced.

3. Lots of late night awakenings. This one is a killer. Not only does it interrupt your sleep, but it also pushes you to make trips to the refrigerator. The end result? Sporadic late night feedings, most of which goes towards your arm fat!

4. Have an abnormally high carbohydrate intake at night. Most women with NES have very low levels of serotonin, the feel good hormone. They compensate for this by loading up on carbohydrates right before bed and during their awakenings.

5. Feelings of anxiety at night. If you feel high strung or anxious when eating, you’re most likely compensating with food. The pairing of negative emotions and food intake is another tell tale sign of NES.

6. Family members with the same patterns. Yep, night eating syndrome runs in the family! So if your family members have it, you’re more likely to have it!

Unfortunately, it’s virtually impossible to get thin and slim arms if you are suffering from night eating syndrome. Why? Because your body will most likely store all that late night food as arm fat. It’s just the way the female metabolism works. So if you have night eating syndrome please seek professional help to overcome it! Only then will you reach sexy arm stardom.

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