Understanding The Psyche Of Russian Women

There is something about Russian women that has always captivated others, especially those in the West. Their well-defined features, and attractive contrast of hair and skin color as well as their mysterious manner have resulted in people being naturally intrigued. Let us tell you more about this topic below.

Throughout history, these girls have epitomized grace and athletic power. Great diva ballerinas like Anna Pavlova and the gymnast Olga Korbut have captivated audiences worldwide with their skill and beauty. Even today, there are few who can resist the high-powered sex appeal of tennis players like Anna Kournikova and Maria Shrapova who bring their own brand of Russian glamor and style to the tennis courts of the world.

It’s unfortunate though that many people, while admiring beautiful women also regard them with a degree of suspicion. As more these women leave Russia to pursue lives in other parts of the world, they face prejudice because their passionate, expressive natures, which is often reflected in the way they dress.

To understand the female psyche, one might make reference to the icon of the nesting doll. Anyone who has ever owed or played with one starts off by being delighted by it’s bright colors and bold, beautiful features. Then one realizes that there is so much more that lies within. One could say this is also true of these girls, who combine substance and beauty.

One of the most popular nesting doll motifs is the Matrushka Doll. The word Matrushka is derived from the Russian word for mother. Like a caring and protective mother, the nesting doll keeps her family close and safe. Like this little folk toy, these girls also is passionate in her dedication to those she loves.

The nesting doll, contains all its parts neatly and compactly, indicating an innate instinct for order and discipline. Affluence is a relatively new phenomenon in Russia. As a result many of these girls have been brought up to be resourceful with what they have though prudent management.

It is only natural that when we encounter anything new, we want to discover everything and experiment. These girls are no different in this regard. They have a curiosity about the world and are fascinated with the prospect of trying new things. Sadly, many people who encounter these girls have misinterpreted this curiosity about the world as whimsical and flighty.

It should be kept in mind also that many of these girls who come to Europe and America are trying to understand what may sometimes be very alien social etiquette and norms and fit in a new culture. If they sometimes appear withdrawn or aloof, it may be as a result of natural reserve or because they do not want to appear foolish or unsophisticated.

In short, it is important to bear in mind that above all Russian women are just regular people, who appreciate friendliness, consideration and understanding. Bear in mind that social conventions and behavior that seems obvious to you, may not always be as transparent to a stranger especially one from another culture. Any gesture that makes them feel more at home and less of an outsider will be welcome.

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