Auto foil why the original is not bad money, or trouble people

Now, new car installation Explosion-proof membrane Become increasingly popular after the consumer market has become a highlight of car, good market prospects are also attracting more and more international Explosion-proof membrane Brands have moved into the Chinese market. Recently, as the temperature continues to rise, explosion-proof film market has entered a season, however, understand that the current Car explosion Film market has as many as 100 domestic and foreign brands, quite a mixed bag, part of the car explosion-proof membrane due to lack of consumer knowledge, may be easily taken in, buy a poor quality of explosion-proof membrane.

Car foil Not long ago, Mr. Wang on the public to his beloved explosion-proof membrane on Bora posted committed difficult. He found proof membrane car brand, too many varieties, the price disparity between high and low, simply can not distinguish good and bad, afraid to spend the high prices also posted a second film, in fact, the problems encountered by Mr. Wang is also the majority owner In the foil when the common problems encountered.

As more and more into the family car, to choose their own car foil membrane to become car owners encountered the most common thing, to choose what brand, model? What price? A lot of effort for most layman consumers still do not understand this thing. The reporters found that many of the new explosion-proof membrane affixed to the car owners, the general demarcation of a price limit, the full power to Auto Beauty Shop, film itself is good or bad quality, construction quality is good or bad is left to chance. Is the face of this small car

explosion-proof membrane, we could do nothing and do nothing, despite those black heart merchants exploited it? Explosion-proof membrane is indeed a more professional product, the population in general is difficult to verify the authenticity, a little something to prevent fake and not all on the consumer, we should do our part manufacturers it.

In fact, to prevent fake and a little on what enterprises really can do more, such as the establishment of direct sales of products to enhance the control of distribution channels, using their technological advantage, the construction of professional training organizations. You can also use technology to security, the establishment of the database products will be produced marked security number, so that consumers will be able to access post-consumer data verified by the authenticity of their products. If in fact come back here or recommend the consumer to the formal proof car beauty shops to paste film, so even if you can find yourself easily fooled the activists, as long as manufacturers, consumers can together, that unscrupulous traders are not the market.

Foil is now great variety of vehicles, from the original "tea paper" to "explosion-proof membrane" development has to "explosion-proof insulation film," which has a thermal energy, ultraviolet radiation, explosion and other functions . Give the car a good proof membrane is posted every car owners want to do, quality is not only good transparency proof membrane, UV radiation, but also embodies the "insulation" of the last word. Posted a car film is a good thing, hopefully not let a good thing always go an 'suck.

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