Ayurveda regimens for finest wellbeing (Swathavtitta)

Ayurveda, the “science of life “, is the conventional natural medicine of India dating back more than five thousand years. Ayurveda word is composed of two words, Ayur and Veda. Here Ayur means life, Veda means knowledge or science.

Ayur (Life) is the combination (Samayoga) of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond. {Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, 1.42-34}

It is science or way of knowledge about life, its power and its resources. Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine but science of life –quality of promotion designed to increase wellbeing and happiness in all respects. This is an immense beauty of Ayurveda and complete system of living physically, psychologically and spiritually.

It studies basic, human nature and natural urges like hunger, thirst, sleep, exercise etc and provides measures for disciplined, disease free life, thus it aims at both prevention and cure of diseases. The actual treatment of disease is a late stage of Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment begins with lifestyle recommendations to increase energy and promote longevity.

Ayurveda prescribes whole and wide-ranging wellbeing regimens from birth to old age .it educate us how we can take mastery of our own wellbeing and live the kind of lives that we really wish to.

Maintenance of a healthy life by one’s own right action is called Swathavtitta, which means the regimen of enduring in one’s individual nature.”According to the Ayurveda science of life and the yogic science of self consciousness, harmony is our natural state, while ailment and unhappiness are deviation brought about by immoral actions. Yet to uphold this natural condition of wellbeing, we must recognize our personal nature and be trained to live according its genuine needs which may be different from our desires and compulsions.

The Ayurvedic regimen of true living is intended for the achievement of a long, well, energetic life, release from pain and illness, satisfactory enjoyment of the pleasures of life, and self awareness.

Ayurveda helps the individual to accomplish the four main objectives of human life. These are ,

  • Dharma(service to society)
  • Artha(service to family)
  • Kama(service to self)
  • Moksha(self realization)

To achieve of any of these goals we must be healthy, dynamic and enthusiastic. This discipline of self –care guide us to attain well being and happy life, each one of us should follow certain disciplines. These are,

  • Daily regimen
  • Seasonal regimen
  • Occasional regimen
  • Observances in sexual activity
  • General rules of conduct for the welfare of society
  • Precautionary measures against premature aging
  • Conduct and practices to achieve self realization.

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Shreyas Yoga Retreats is Best Yoga retreats and boutique resort in Bangalore India, has been best described as a Yoga india Retreat with a soul and provides best South India Holidays, Retreat in India. For more information visit http://www.shreyasretreat.com

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