Pay Your Life Forward Into the Future

Pay Your Life Forward Into the Future
Bernie Madhoff is in prison for bilking people into believing he could bring them 20% on their money at a time when 5% is a big deal. How? Because he was a crookICDL-Windows. But there is a way to bring in up to 25% return on your money with no broker’s fees, no “market adjustment” worries, and no fine print. It relies upon the most primary money adage out there: It doesn’t matter how much you make, it’s how much you spend. Just ask M.C. Hammer or any of dozens of celebrities who made gobs of money and spent themselves into bankruptcy.
This isn’t the sexiest way to make money to be sure, no certificates, no checking the market or sitting in coffee shops comparing investment strategies with strangers. It happens every day, day in and day out. Pay Life Forward is a proven method to bring back an average of 10%-15% return on investment, derived from consumer spending data. That’s an average. Average. Not doing anything except keeping track of spending. What that means is for someone making $2000/month, the average return is $200-$300 a month. At $4000/month the return is $400-$600 a month, every month, month after month after month, forever. Maybe it is sexy after all.
By using the Pay Life Forward budgeting system, which is an engineered, improved, and mobile money management system based on envelope budgeting, money, the actual, physical stuff we call money, is put back not only into your hands but into your mind again. Money, in the form of surrogates, little mini-dollars, go with you everywhere you spend money, at the restaurant, the theatre, everywhere. Every time you make a real world purchase using any form of money, be that a credit card, check, or an actual dollar, you transfer that exact amount from your PLF mobile unit, which is the size of a smart phone, to account for the exact amount. Now you know every moment, every day, exactly how much money you have spent and how much is left to spend, at a glance, without logging onto a budgeting server or getting a computer printout of the results. PLF is simple, direct, and foolproof.
A shift in brain function is initiated that changes money from an invisible quality to a real, physical quality again without having to carry real money at all. This change in brain function is what makes PLF different from all other money management systems. It works like a kind of board gameCBAP without the board, and like any game, the longer you play the game, the better you get at playing. The name of this game is Life, real life. Real money, real consequences, real effects.

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