Choosing a pushchair

Choosing between the plethora of pushchairs on the market can be a daunting task. All parents want their little one to have the best transportation system

Here’s a run down of the basic options.

Prams are for newborn babies and keep the infant flat on their back. Sometimes, with the flick of a switch, the cot can be removed and used as the baby’s bed. Unlike the big, bulky prams of yester year, new versions are lightweight, easy to steer and – importantly – fold up small.

Pushchairs, also known as strollers, boast multi-position recline, from flat for tiny babies to upright so that curious toddlers can see what’s going on. The advantage of the pushchair is it’s life-span; it can be used for longer. Again, they are constructed with light-weight, easy fold frames. Some have three wheels to improve steering.

Some come complete with air-filled tyres, which are suitable for all terrains, meaning people who live out in the country or those who like to go ‘off road’ can wheel baby along, safe in the knowledge that their robust pushchair can take the strain.

Travel systems comprise a combination of pram, carry cot and car seat and is the height of convenience. Each seat option fits into the system’s chassis, so if baby falls asleep, it is easy to transfer them into the car and into the home without too much disturbance. These are admittedly more expensive, but you are getting three pieces of baby equipment in one.

Then there are pushchairs that accommodate two of three children, whether the same age or baby and toddler. Twin pushchairs can come in two forms, either two seats fixed next to each other or two in a row, one behind the other. These are often suitable from birth and seating position can be altered to accommodate them as they grow.

The key point to remember is that the choice of pushchair, while safe and supportive for the child, ought to make your life easier. Choose one that fits with your lifestyle and fits in your car!

About the author: Elizabeth Smythe is a freelance author who has vast knowledge on pushchairs and for more information you can visit:

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