Week By Week Pregnancy

1st to 12th week

The first trimester (1st week to 12th week) is the most important part of the week by week pregnancy chart. It starts by the egg getting fertilized by the sperm and then it travels through the fallopian tube. During these weeks the body of the mother undergoes many hormonal changes. These changes can trigger symptoms such as tiredness, nausea and vomiting. Since each woman is different she experiences different symptoms.

1st four weeks

In the first four weeks the baby’s brain, heart and spinal cord begin to form. The leg and arm buds also begin to appear. At eight weeks all major body structures begin to firm. The heart beats get a regular rhythm and the sex organs also begin to take shape. Even the umbilical chord becomes visible. At the end of eight weeks the baby is known as the fetus.

12 Weeks

At 12 weeks, the nerves and the muscles begin to work in tandem with each other. The external sex organs can now disclose whether the child is a boy or a girl. The fetus can close its eyes to protect them. The head growth has slowed down and the baby is 3 inches long.

16 Weeks

At 16 weeks the muscle tissues begin to form. The baby now has a complete skeleton. The skin also begins to form and your baby makes motions through its mouth like it is sucking. The body length now reaches 5 inches. The baby begins to grow fast. Your baby then becomes more active at 20 weeks. The mother might feel some movements inside her stomach. The baby has small hair in some areas and this hair is called lanugo. Toenails, eyebrows and eyelashes have formed. Your baby develops senses such as hearing and it can also swallow.

24 Weeks

At 24 weeks the bone marrow begins to make blood cells. Footprints and fingerprints have also formed fully. Though the lungs are formed they don’t work. Your baby has now a normal pattern of sleeping and keeping awake. In case of a boy the testicles start moving towards the scrotum. If it is a girl then the ovaries and the uterus fall in place. Your baby is now 12 inches long.

32 Weeks

The baby’s bones are fully formed at 32 weeks but they are still soft. The lungs begin to breathe slightly. The baby starts to gain weight quickly. The body can store fats, calcium, minerals and iron. The eyes open and close according to the sensitivity of light.

36 Weeks

At 36 weeks the body fat increases. The baby is getting bigger and there is less space left in the womb to accommodate further growth. The baby has settled down and there are less movements. Your baby becomes 19 inches and weighs 6 pounds. Your baby is fully grown after 37 weeks. It is ready to enter our world as its organs are fully grown. The baby will normally turn head down position for birth. This process completes the week by week pregnancy cycle.

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