Can You Understand the Meaning of Barefoot Running

Barefoot running has always been with a lot of controversies. If you are a runner who did not encounter any problems or injuries, then this might not designed for you. Barefoot running may be appropriate for you under the condition that you have ever injured on some aspects, such as your pain on anterior tibiae or the wrong running way. However, we must remind you, the benefits of barefoot running may not be apparently appear at once. Nude running does not mean to run without clothes, but mean to run in the way our ancestors did, too off the running shoes.

In the case of general conditions, we only use twenty pieces of foot muscles and twelve ministry leg, but the prerequisite is that we have to wear running shoes with a cushion when we walk. It will take you time to rebuild your muscle strength if you run directly with bare feet. The reason is that this kind of strength is given by your running shoes, which is formed for a long time. It also can be seen that you are not likely to walk such a long distance when you take a trip like ordinary times. In addition, your shank muscle will be sore after you walk for a short distance. The secret is to have patience, listen to the voice of your body and gradually strengthen the training intensity and extend the exercise time.

Many people wonder that whether naked running is a gimmick or not. In modern society, people’s weight is much more than our ancestors’ weight. It is showed by the research that our heels will stand two or three times strength than our body if we run with running shoes. When you turn to try barefoot running, the body’s weight will evenly transferred to the soles of the feet. The appearance of shoes are not the same if we contrast our shoes to the shoes before 1970. So when we date back to only half a century, it will be a common phenomenon if people are with barefoot or run with soft soles running shoes.

How to protect you from hurt in the naked running. Opposition opinion mainly focused on the concern that running with barefoot on uneven pavement will cause stabbing wounds or scratches. In fact, the market has developed many special simulate barefoot-style running shoes. Although runners are not accompanied by professional coaches, this kind of shoes can enables them to understand the benefits of barefoot running. Through naked running and walking, your muscles can be strengthened, but this also can provide the training elements to you. Despite the expense of a sense of barefoot ease, but this kind of shoes are able to protect your feet effectively.

Daniel E. Lieberman, a professor in Human Evolutionary Biology of Harvard University, hold the idea that people will receive distinct impacts if they run with no shoes. There will not be any impacts on the barefoot runners if they have a touchdown with the middle or the front of the foot. On the contrary, people who run with running shoes are subject to have more impacts on their heels. At present, most people deem that it is a dangerous thing to run with no running shoes, for you will be hurt. But in fact, you will not hurt yourself even if you run on the most common ground with barefoot. In order to prevent your foot from skin damage, what you need to do is to form some callosity. What’s more, although you have scratches on your feet, it can not be compared with the injure of other people who run with running shoes .

Barefoot running practice help us a lot not just for fit, but also society. Shop the Nike FREE Run 2 and Mens Nike Free Run 2 to enjoy the exercise.

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