How to get rid of back pain?

Back pain is one of the most common complaints that most people across the world suffer from. There are many reasons for this and it could be starting point for something bigger. When someone starts experiencing back pain, it means that he or she needs to seriously do something about it and medicines are not always the best option. When the same can be gotten rid of in a natural way, why go for something that gives temporary relief.

Causes of back pain

  • Arthritis – This condition affects the spine and causes severe back pain. Yoga, avoiding jerky movements, etc. can reduce the pain to great heights.
  • Obesity – This is perhaps the most common cause of such a pain. The lower back is the area which experiences the highest degree of discomfort. Losing weight can reduce this.
  • Postures during sleeping – Apart from the position, the surface on which one sleeps also plays a very important part. The mattress should neither be too soft nor too hard.
  • Profession – A person who is involved in a job which requires him or her to lift heavy objects is at a higher risk of getting affected by back pain. Also, those people who have to sit at one place for hours together also face the risk. Such people should take up relevant physical activities.
  • Menstruation – Back pain during menstruation is a common symptom.
  • Spinal injury – This causes the discs to be harmed and therefore, leads to excruciating pain.

It is important to find remedies that provide a permanent solution to back pain rather than a temporary relief. Some of the natural methods are as follows:

  1. Exercising – Making regular exercise a part of one’s daily routine is the first and simplest remedy. It will keep the body active and also helps in maintaining an ideal weight. It can also prevent injuries. Walking, running, swimming, etc. can be taken up as not all can endure the activities of a gym.
  2. Yoga – Yoga is one of the most sought after practices that provide permanent relief to any kinds of back pain. The postures and breathing techniques give more strength to the back and relaxes the surrounding muscles.
  3. Ice and heat packs – For immediate relief, these are the best methods. They can be used together or individually and if the pain is not chronic, this works wonders.
  4. Rest – It is true that the body needs some rest in order to get back to the daily grind effectively. When someone experiences back pain, it means that the body wants to relax before starting to work again. However, this does not mean sleeping the whole time. One can go on a leisurely walk or do some easy physical activity.
  5. Eating habits – There are certain food types which make the bone structure of the body stronger. These foods should be included in the diet of all those who suffer from this condition.
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