Types Of Stretches For Sciatica For Effective Pain Relief

Sciatica is a debilitating condition where the person feels excruciating pain that extends from the lower back to the posterior thighs and legs. There are a number of reasons for the pain, but it is usually caused due to a compressed sciatic nerve. Making the right diagnosis is essential to find the right cure for sciatica. The treatment options are plenty, but the right plan can be drawn up only after the patient undergoes thorough evaluation. Stretches for sciatica, exercises, physical therapy, or even surgical intervention may be required.

The person seeking a cure for sciatica must first try out various self-help measures and simple exercises such as stretches for sciatica before seeking medical intervention. Sciatica is a condition that is caused primarily due to the compression of the sciatic nerve. Therefore, it is important to find ways and means to promote decompression of the nerve in order to ease the pain. The nerve may be prone to compression due to various reasons and it is important to get to the root of the problem. Stretches are simple workouts that can be done at home or even while you are away at work. In order to prevent the wastage of muscles, it is important to remain active at all times. Even a simple stroll in the park or walking around the office during breaks can do wonders.

Leg stretches offer a lot of relief to those suffering from this problem. Here is a simple exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime. Sit down with your feet apart and bend forward trying to hold the toes of one foot. Repeat the same process with the other foot as well. Remain in that position for at least 20 seconds before returning to the initial position. These stretches offer a cure for sciatica as they engage the gastrocnemius muscles in the legs. Other stretches for sciatica include feet, thigh, and low back stretches.

Performing these stretches for sciatica regularly will not only help in alleviating the pain and finding a cure for sciatica, but will also prevent the recurrence of this debilitating condition. There is a concentration of sciatic nerves on the base of the spine. The lower back stretches help in reducing the pain since they promote blood circulation to this region.

Thigh stretches for sciatica are also effective and should be done under supervision. These are extremely beneficial as they help in exercising the quadriceps, making them less prone to injury. The thigh muscles go through a lot of stress and strain on a daily basis since they are involved in a number of activities such as running, walking, jogging and other movements. The degree of pain may vary from one person to another. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. If it is just the initial stages, you can try these stretches and find a cure for sciatica. However, if the condition is severe and the pain is excruciating, you may have to be put on medication and exercise will have to be avoided until the pain subsides.

Are you eager to learn more about the effective cure for sciatica? You can get all the information about the various treatment options for this problem, including the right stretches for sciatica on our website.

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