The Many Sides Of Sexy Lingerie

The phrase sexy lingerie certainly does bring up many different images. Some of these may be on the tawdry side, some on the romantic side, and most will be on the sheer, no pun intended, appeal of the items being considered. But perhaps these articles of under wear are not just for entertainment only. Perhaps they can be seen as more important to some than just that.

In fact, for many, these lovely satin and lace items may have a decidedly practical nature. For some they may be a means to earning money or creating a career, for others they may be related to self image and self confidence. And for still others, they may just be a form of visual stimulation at that. Regardless, their popularity certainly seems insured.

For whatever reason one may have for using them, they are popular, and they seem to have always been popular. Looking back through the ages, in old catalogs and photographs, and it seems that as long as photography has been used for commercial purposes, there have been women posing in their fancy undergarments. In fact, a little bit of underwear has long been considered by many to be more attractive than nothing at all.

This in turn brings us to the first practical use of these items of clothing. Pin-up, or boudoir, photography has always been popular and lingerie has always been a staple of the trade. There is sexiness and sauciness that goes along with the look that is undeniable. This type of photography remains popular, and these items of underwear are part of the stock of the trade.

Many entertainers, as well, use these types of outfits in their work. Burlesque revivals are all about the lace and finery of these types of clothing, and modern dancers use them heavily, too. Therefore, these things can be seen as a uniform of sorts. These are actual work clothes to the folks who need to use them in order to earn a living.

Of course, there are those special occasions that it seems almost necessary to have a romantic get up on hand. A wedding night is a prime example, or the following anniversaries, too. Any time someone wants to offer their partner a special treat in the bedroom, these articles are ideal. For whatever reason, they make a very sexy statement that cannot be denied.

And then there is the self image department. Many feel empowered by wearing nice underclothes. Many feel more attractive by wearing them, and so they act more assertive and confident as a result. In this case, no one else needs to actually see the items in question; it is just for the wearer and the desired attitudinal effect.

You see, sexy lingerie is far more than mere eye candy at that. While certain catalogs and shops will always have the titillation factor going strong, there are others who use these articles of clothing for more staid and serious reasons. These items have uses that go far beyond entertainment, even though they may always be seen as just that.

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