Propecia – Treat Hair Loss in Men

You start realising the importance of hair, once you start losing it. Hair loss has become a major and common problem with men of almost every age. Earlier it was a belief that losing of hair occurs only as a part of the ageing process. However, nowadays even young men are suffering from this problem. Getting lost hair back and preventing further hair loss is possible with clinically proven oral medications.

There can be many factors which can cause shrinking of hair follicles such as ageing, intake of toxic substances, stress, depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, nervous disorders and injury and impairment. Male pattern baldness is the most common form of hair loss which follows a particular pattern of losing hair. The receding of the hair line starts from the forehead and gradually you experience thinning of hairs on the crown and at the temples. Over a period of time, you can see the formation of a horseshoe shape. It occurs due to the genetic sensitivity of the hair follicles to a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Male pattern baldness, also termed as androgenic alopecia, can start at an early age due to which you are left with a bald crown by your mid 40s.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a by-product of a male hormone called testosterone. When DHT is present in abundance, they result in the shrinking of the hair follicles to an extent that they are unable to replace the lost hair. Male pattern baldness cannot be cured permanently as it is a genetic disorder. However, it can be treated effectively with the help of an oral medication known as Propecia. It is the only clinically proven medication which can treat male pattern baldness and prevent your further loss of hair.

Propecia pills contain finasteride as their main active ingredient, which works by constraining the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from testosterone. If the release of DHT is restricted in the body, the hair follicles do not shrink and you can experience less hair loss. This oral medication has proven to be quite effective in preventing hair loss. In fact, many men reported growth of new hair as well. A stress-free life in combination with this medication can help lead to visible hair growth in months.

One Propecia pill should be taken every day with or without food. For an effective result, you are required to take the pill same time each day. If you discontinue taking this medication in between, your scalp returns to the normal level of baldness within a period of 12 months. If you forget to take a pill someday, instead of taking an extra dose consult your doctor immediately. You can buy this medication from any of the registered online clinics. This medication does not cause many severe side effects normally, but some possible side effects are itching, swelling of lips or face, acne, decrease in semen production, erectile dysfunction and low libido.

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