Diabetic Patients at a Higher Risk of Actos Bladder Cancer

actos lawsuitOn 16th June 2012, the FDA issued a warning about the increased cases of bladder cancer associated with the drug Actos. The warning of Actos bladder cancer came in the wake of a 5 year analysis review of the product carried out by the manufacturer Takeda Pharmaceuticals. These results indicate that while there is an increased risk among users of Actos to cancer, the risk is higher among individuals who have used the product for a long duration. Users who have been exposed to high cumulative doses of the drug are also greatly exposed to the risk.

Complaints about Actos have continued to grow from that announcement to date and there is also an increase of Actos bladder cancer lawsuit. The history of safety in regard to use of Actos is well documented and in 2007, the FDA also documented that any drugs with Pioglita zone were likely to cause numerous complications with top on this list being bladder cancer. All the health bodies concur that the probability of contracting this disease is higher among individuals who take the medication and as such, doctors across the world have been advised against prescribing the medication to patients.

Some of the symptoms noted among patients include the following.

• Pink/orange urine
• Intense back pain
• Bloody urine
• Frequent urination
• Difficulty urinating despite an increased urge and
• Painful sensations when urinating.

Patients who suffer as a result of Actos intake get compensated by filing actos lawsuit. In 2008, Actos netted profits amounting to $ 2.4 billion from the Takeda, the parent company.

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