View of the lack of the interests of farmers and how far home appliances to the

Financial subsidies to farmers Buyer Power, buy another limit Home Appliances Products, "home appliances to the countryside" is naturally the biggest beneficiaries of the farmers. But this is only superficial, if real interest from the farmers perspective to consider, "home appliances to the countryside" is not popular with farmers welcome.

"Appliances to the countryside," it is because of farmer? Ministry of Finance Deputy Director Zeng economic construction safety gave away the secret: home appliances become an important source of trade surplus, the resulting products for our home appliances frequent trade friction. Implementation of the "home appliances to the countryside", can transfer export capacity, reduce the trade surplus and trade frictions, but also

Digestion Appliance industry excess capacity, reversing the general downward trend of corporate efficiency. After all, "home appliances to the countryside" is the expansion of domestic demand, is for business sake. Because statistics show that rural prevalence rate for each household appliances increased by 1 percentage point will increase more than 250 million sets (pieces) requirements. Only

TV For example, measured by per 1,000 yuan, increased by 1 percentage point increase of

Consumption 2,500,000,000 yuan.
"Appliances to the countryside" to solve business problems, not necessarily to make the peasants happy. Why farmers do not buy appliances? Minister of Agriculture Sun Zhengcai 22 national agricultural work meeting, this year's national per capita income of farmers is expected to exceed 4,000 yuan, the actual growth of around 7%, achieved four consecutive years by more than 6%. Per capita net income is above 4,000 yuan, is obviously not able to afford household appliances. In my view, this has

Life Cause the way, but more important is the use of the cost.
Appliances use the cost has been rising. Electricity is constantly up; have
TV Should gradually increase to pay
Cable television Fees; with mobile phones but also a lot of money to pay fees … … far as I know, not without a number of peasant families

Electrical , But intends to make them ornaments. The root is also used for high costs.
Made us think, is that Zeng Ann's words, farmers increase income in the current difficult situation, the financial subsidy policies to support "home appliances to the countryside" to activate rural consumption, can increase domestic demand. Given the difficulties that farmers increase income, financial subsidies to farmers should be completed in the most needed areas, such as health care, such as

Education ; Since we know the difficulties farmers increase income, how has used the "home appliances to the countryside" to lure farmers to buy. Consumption in rural areas is activated, domestic demand has expanded, some leaders also highlighted the achievements can be follow-up work? If you want to subsidize it, nothing wrong with electricity in rural areas are also subsidized. If the price down, I believe that more farmers will be stimulated interest in buying appliances.

"Appliances to the countryside," is to go home appliances down to the countryside. Most of the audience group is farmers. Therefore, "home appliances to the countryside" scheme should be considered standing in the position of farmers, farmers should have a perspective. View of the lack of the interests of farmers, "home appliances to the countryside," what can go far, we have seen no harm.

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