Gradually from the home appliance convergence wave of interlibrary loan channels

Recent years to Su Ning, Country United States As the representative of Home Appliances Chains have sprung up everywhere, the traditional home appliance industry

Proxy , Distribution channels are huge challenges, appliance manufacturers in product sales have gradually lost their right to speak, the official channel for the king into an indisputable fact that household appliances industry. But as competition intensifies, how to reduce costs where possible expand sales channels, reduce dependence on the giant home appliance chain, enhance competitiveness of their products, especially in today's chain giant tentacles can not reach the rural market, how to effective, rapid, low cost expansion of sales channels, has become a common household electrical appliance manufacturing concern. During this period, some companies try different enterprises, interlibrary loan channels between different products into a beautiful landscape.

Wave gradually from interlibrary loan channels
Order to effectively expand the market, home appliances manufacturing enterprises in the development of channels can be said to do everything, but made no small achievement. From the entire industry, and now sales channels to every corner of almost every urban and rural areas, for the majority of

Consumption Are close to buying facilitated. But the implementation of the various enterprises, various brands, sales channels, distribution is not complete, especially in the third and fourth grade market, the lack of sales outlets in all enterprises must also face the Mishap. Forced restrictions on financial and material resources, especially cost of sales pressure, no single company can not be its own sales channels out into all places where consumer demand. How to quickly and effectively solve the channel coverage, many companies are trying different options.

In this regard, Skyworth, and Vantage is ahead. According to report, this year, Skyworth and Vantage the two main home appliances of different products giant, has decided to launch channel

Cooperation In each other's channel network for display, sell each other's products. Currently in Shanxi, Guangxi, three, four market Vantage franchised stores, has begun Skyworth

TV Display and sales. Skyworth TV division president Yang Dongwen told reporters that the spirit of minimizing the cost of sales, the principle of enhancing the competitiveness of products, while for faster, more efficiently expand sales channels and jointly launched this year, Vantage Skyworth together the "new rural theater

Project . "Vantage sales channels using Skyworth TV sales, the current number of Vantage's store, the consumer has been able to buy Skyworth's TV product.

It is reported that chain store sales Vantage addition to products, in more than 2,000 stores around the country. Skyworth and Vantage This cooperation, interlibrary loan channels, is not only effective use of existing store resources, improve the efficient use of store, but also share the cost of the terminals, bringing new benefits for both sides.

Is not only a channel for cross-borrowing with Vantage for the integration of cooperation, Skyworth, and also other non-related products similar business cooperation. Yang Dongwen told reporters after, Skyworth has signed agency agreements with Electrolux, Electrolux to Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi province, the market five

Refrigerator Agent to the Skyworth. According to report, because there is competition between enterprises channels now also mainly in the interlibrary loan integration between different products. Similar products in the channels between the cross-brand integration of overcoming this before, but very few, and the lack of success.

Channel integration between different products in some enterprises have been well within the Group's performance. As the home appliances business, "black and white takes all" diversification, many companies are exploring whether its product pipeline for effective integration, leading to maximization of resources.

Channel integration to Service First Denied, inter-enterprise integration to solve for interlibrary loan channels to build a large sales

Network Brought about high labor costs and terminal costs played an effective role. But worth noting is that the current non-related products business integration between the channels, but also bring direct services,

China Electronics
Chamber of Commerce Deputy Secretary-General Lu Renbo in an interview that the integration of different enterprises in the implementation of the channel, it must first resolve the sale and after-sales service, otherwise the consumers will lose confidence because he is destroying the future.

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