Men’s Hair Care Tips

Healthy-looking hair and great hairstyles are not just for women. To keep their hair looking its best, men need to keep their hairstyles well maintained. One way of doing this is to prevent damage by not using harsh shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, or styling gels. Of course, having a great looking haircut always helps! Houston hairstylists know which hairstyles look best on men, based on their hair types and facial shapes. There are a number of hair care tips that will always help your hair look its best.

Some basic hair care tips for Houston men:

  • Contrary to what you may have always heard, you should not towel dry your hair. Wet hair can be easily damaged. Towel drying can cause tangling and result in the hair to breaking, becoming frizzy, or having split ends. If you do towel dry, shake out the excess water and gently stroke the hair in the direction it grows.

  • Blow drying the hair can also cause damage. Besides drying out the hair, you can also do damage to your scalp. If you are going to blow dry your hair, use a detangler or thermal spray to protect your hair before blow drying. Your Houston hair salon will have these products available and can advise you as to which ones work the best.

  • When combing, do not use small combs with little teeth. This can cause pulling and hair breakage. Use a wide-tooth comb on your hair and comb while it is still slightly wet. This will prevent over-drying and damage to your hair.

  • Hot showers can also damage the hair and scalp. Very hot showers will take away essential oils from your hair and leave it limp looking. While it may take a little getting used to, you should take warm showers. This is much healthier for your hair.

  • Use mild shampoos and conditioners to cleanse the hair and help it retain moisture. Keeping your hair well moisturized will keep it healthy and shiny. Ask your hairstylist which shampoos and conditioners are best for your particular hair type.

  • Coloring and perming the hair excessively can also cause damage. Your hair will start to look dry and dull after too many perms. Never try to perm or color your hair at home. It is too easy to damage your hair. Leave coloring and perming to a professional hair salon.

  • Avoid wearing tight hats, which can cause “traction alopecia” where hair is actually pulled from your scalp. Ponytails can also cause this. If you wear tight hats or ponytails for long enough, it can cause permanent damage.

For answers specific to your hair, a Houston hairstylist can provide hair care tips to keep your hair healthy and looking its best.

Hair HoustonYou can spot an exquisitely groomed Texas man or woman who frequents the best salon for hair in Houston from a mile away. There is simply no imitation for a precision cut and color from Therapy Hair Studio. Located in the heart of Houston’s prestigious Galleria area, Therapy Hair Studio has caught the attention of thousands of clients since 2008. Call 713.355.HAIR (4247) to schedule an appointment or visit

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