Correct Intake of Synthroid

Synthroid is a medication which is used for thyroid gland dysfunction treatment. Before starting the course of healing one should know that the dose is being raised slowly and gradually. As a rule, athletes start with a dose of 25-100mcg (1 tablet is 100mcg) and slowly increase to 25-50mcg every day or every two days. The ultimate dose shouldn’t be more than 300-400mcg.

Hormonal medications should be taken with much care because they can easily destroy the process of metabolism and a person who takes such drugs will gain much weight. It is not recommended to take Synthroid for more than 2 months. Don’t raise the dose.

It is also important to give up taking these drugs correctly. One shouldn’t do it abruptly without doctor’s consultation. Slow reduction of the dose is the best way to stop treatment with hormonal medications. The main reason of possible misbalance is that the body is used to Synthroid and a sudden pause may result in «shock» for the body.

Taking Synthroid one can experience different side effects. The most common are tremors, sweating, diarrhea, insomnia, nausea, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, internal and weight loss. Minor side effects can be avoided by reducing the daily dose. If the side effect persists, one should ask for medical help or stop taking Synthroid. But one should take into account that an abrupt intake of the drug may aggravate the situation, so it is recommended to stop the use of medication gradually. To avoid serious problems before taking this medication one should consult a doctor to check his thyroid function. It is not recommended to take Synthroid in the cases of hyperthyroidism.

It is also not recommended to buy Synthroid without prescription because doctor’s recommendations are of great importance. A physician may not prescribe this remedy if your blood or sugar analysis isn’t in norm, your heart is weak or an allergic reaction may cause serious consequences.

Learn much about this medication before using it. Perhaps, you will not notice the effect in the first period (it may be 2-3 weeks) of taking Synthroid, but be sure that the result will appear. This medicine is considered to be one of the most effective among hormonal medications.

Many hormonal remedies are not available in drugstores but one can easily buy Synthroid cheap in specialized Internet pharmacies. Make sure that the medications are licensed.

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