Diabetes – Causes And Cure

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar levels.

Types of diabetes:
Type 1
It occurs when the body cannot produce insulin which is needed to control the blood glucose levels.

Type 2
It is much more common, occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin or the insulin is not working efficiently enough.

Gestation diabetes occurs when pregnant woman have high blood glucose levels due to hormones produced during pregnancy.

Causes of diabetes
• Inherited traits- it is strongly believed that due to some genes which passes from one generation to another, a person can inherit diabetes. It depends upon the closeness of blood relationships.
• Age- Increased age is a factor which gives more possibility than in younger age. This disease may occur at any age, but 80% of the cases occur after 50, incidences increases with the age factor.
• Poor diet (malnutrition related diabetes) – improper nutrition, low protein and fiber intake, high intake of refined products are the expected reasons of developing diabetes.
• Obesity and fat distribution- being overweight means increased insulin resistance, that is if body fat is more than 30%, BMI 25+; waist grith 35 inches in women or 40 inches in men.
• Stress- Either physical injury or emotional disturbance is frequently blamed as the initial cause of diabetes.

Symptoms of diabetes
Many of the signs of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are similar. In both, there is too much glucose in blood and not enough in the cells of your body. High glucose levels in type 1 are due to lack of insulin because the insulin producing cells have been destroyed.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body’s cell become resistant to insulin that is being produced. Either way, your cells aren’t getting the glucose that they need, or your body lets you know by giving these signs and symptoms.
• Frequent trips to the bathroom
• Unquenchable thirst
• Losing weight without trying
• Weakness and fatigue
• Tingling and numbness in your hands, legs or feet
• Other signs and symptoms – blurred vision, skin that is dry or itchy, frequent infections or cuts and bruises that take a long time to heal.

Treatment for diabetes
Controlling your blood sugar is essential to feeling healthy and avoiding long-term complications of diabetes. Some people are able to control their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. Others may need to use insulin or other medications in addition to lifestyle changes. In either case, monitoring your blood sugar is a key part of your treatment program.

A healthy diet and exercise should be placed as a priority for diabetes treatment. Second, you might also try some of the diabetes treatment using alternative medicine.

Monitoring blood sugar
Keep in mind that the amount of sugar in your blood is constantly changing. Self-monitoring helps you learn what makes your blood sugar levels rise and fall, so you can make adjustments in your treatment. Factors that affect your blood sugar include:

A healthy diet
Contrary to popular myth, there’s no “diabetes diet.” Furthermore, having diabetes doesn’t mean you have to eat only bland, boring foods. Instead, it means you’ll eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains foods that are high in nutrition and low in fat and calories and fewer animal products and sweets. Actually, it’s the same eating plan all Americans should follow.

Everyone needs regular aerobic exercise, and people with diabetes are no exception. The good news is that the same exercises that are good for your heart and lungs also help lower your blood sugar levels.

Healthy weight
Being overweight is the greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes. That’s because fat makes your cells more resistant to insulin. But when you lose weight, the process reverses and your cells become more receptive to insulin. For some people with type 2 diabetes, weight loss is all that’s needed to restore blood sugar to normal.

When diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight aren’t enough, you may need the help of medication. Medications used to treat diabetes include insulin. Everyone with type 1 diabetes and some people with type 2 diabetes must take insulin every day to replace what their pancreas is unable to produce.

This article has been written and posted by a health advisor working at bookmydoctor.com, who also provides free of cost consultancy to patients and advise on various topics like Causes of diabetes by visiting the site, you can read articles on treatment for diabetes and symptoms of diabetes.

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