Bulk SMS Services: A Boon for the Real Estate Industry

Organizing the data and the people concerned is one of the biggest challenges a real estate agency faces. Getting all the properties listed, having their agents at the right place, contacting the right customer, who had an inquiry about a particular property, all the paper work and legal matters, etc. are just some of the duties of the real estate agencies. SMS technology is one efficient and innovative way to help them get all these things in proper order. Simply have all the concerned people like home owners, buyers, sellers and agents give their mobile numbers and get it stored on your PC.  Now, using this database of mobile numbers clubbed with SMS software and gateway technology on the agencies’ PC and all the work can be easily managed.

Firstly, a database of the properties listed and their owners needs to be made. From this, SMS can be created mentioning the location, floor space, cost and other valuable inputs and bulk SMS can be sent to those people who are interested in buying a new home or property. The innovation part comes in when we introduce the SMS software. This software helps you keep track of all the data and with the help of this software you can actually send personalised SMS messages to the buyers. For e.g. if the buyer is looking for a 3 bedroom house in a particular area, the software helps you find exact matches, using filter option, and automatically sends a message when a fit/match is found. This can also be used to match the owner’s criteria such as in rented properties they might not want bachelors, family with pets, etc.

Another great way that SMS gateway helps make things easier for real estate agencies is by easily managing the agents and their meetings. Now that a property has been selected by the buyer, it is essential for them to see it as soon as possible. Here, proper timing and scheduling of three people, the owner, the agent and the buyer is needed to be done. With the help of SMS software, proper timings can be negotiated and a fixed date and time can be messaged to all concerned persons. Not just that but the software also sends reminders to all of them, so that there is no misunderstanding or delays.

This software can also make it easier for dealing with all the petty work. Sending bulk messages every time a new property comes up in the market, rejecting a deal on a property, collecting keys in case owner is not around to show the house, sending legal documents for property transfer and collecting of the same, etc. all this work can be easily coordinated with the use of SMS gateway and SMS software technology.

Let’s look at the other uses of SMS software in Real Estate:

•    Assigning codes to properties so that automated services regarding enquires can be sent to the customers
•    Large scale SMS campaign for property fair or other events
•    Communication at all levels (Owners, Buyers, Agents)
•    Easy way to follow up with all the concerned parties

This technology has immense benefits for the Real Estate industry such as:

•    Live updates
•    Cost effective
•    Reaches the masses
•    Higher viewership
•    Faster registrations and enquires
•    Instant mode of contact and communication
•    24/7 active services
•    Customers and property tracking





SMS gateway Provider is generally email based application that allows you to access – and send messages. sms software are applications or interfaces that enable you to send SMS messages from your desktop or laptop PC to one or many contacts. Use our service and save valuable time and money on your communications.

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