Understanding what women want in relationships

Often men find it difficult to understand What Women Want In A Relationship. I agree: can be difficult to see it from a woman’s perspective and understand what they’re looking for in a man. Many men will never understand how women think and function, is it laziness… Could be… but complain that you’re not getting enough: there are people claiming to be experts and spreading it all over the Internet (!). Really, understanding women can be somewhat proof to be a difficult task for men.You can find many, many articles and blogs on what What Women Want From Men, some are bad some are good: you’ve got control over your life so chose wisely the person who’s going to change it. Will it be me? I hope so, I need to get traffic! Kidding: hopefully you can judge on your own if the content is good or not.

Having healthy relationships also involves improving THE sex. Yes that’s right, you’re not going to have healthy relationships unless the sex is good, hopefully you know this. But do you know how to get there, have you asked yourself how to be a better man in bed ? The good thing is you’ve understood that this is an important matter so you’re already half way there. The other half involves more one-night stands: that’s the fun part.

So yes I’m going to do my best to provide Sex Advice For Men and tips on How To Seduce Women. Focusing your reading on how to seduce women doesn’t give you the full solution to great relationships and what I find to be the end goal: having the reputation of a seducer and a great f*ck because once you’re there, women will be all over you. You will find interviews of pick-up artists, (female) friends of mine, and most of all my personal experiences and beliefs, hopefully you’ll find what you’re looking for.



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