How to obtain a Medical marijuana card Oregon?

If a patient in the state of Oregon has a Medical marijuana card Oregon he or she has the right to consume, purchase and grow cannabis for medicinal purposes. This means that if the patient is caught with cannabis on their possession, their Medical marijuana card Oregon would grant them immunity to any criminal proceedings.
A patient can obtain this card only through the recommendation of a registered physician. The physician would do a proper physical examination and would revise the patient’s medical history to determine whether the patient would indeed benefit from the use of cannabis. If the doctor believes that cannabis will in fact be a proper treatment, he or she would write out a recommendation. NOTE – doctors can’t “prescribe” marijuana since it is still illegal on a Federal Level, they can only recommend it.
With this recommendation a patient would be able to apply for their own Medical marijuana card Oregon at the department of health. The department would double check if the patient has any criminal records, and whether the recommendation is real. If everything is in order the patient is required to pay an annual fee and in turn would be given a Medical marijuana card Oregon.
With this card the patient can have up to 24 ounces of useable marijuana. Before it was less than this amount but the latest amendments raised the limit. The patient would not be able to be protected under law if he or she exceeds this limit. 24 ounces is almost a half a kilo, so there should be no reason why a patient would exceed it.
In addition to this a patient has the right to grow his or her own marijuana. To be on the safe side a patient is recommended to grow up to 6 plants at a time with only 3 of them being mature at the same time. If the patient sets up a good grow cycle he/she would be able to harvest every month or so and would never run out of medication.
Currently Oregon is attempting to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes. This would mean that any adult over the age of twenty one would have legal access to marijuana and would be able to purchase pot in designated stores. Some people fear that this would promote drug use, but if you come to think about it…Hollywood promotes drug use and we’re not making them illegal are we? The many reasons prohibition might think of to make the public believe that marijuana is the ultimate sin are nothing more than bigotry and ignorant jargon. There are hardly any scientific findings to back up these claims and with some slack investigation, Marijuana generally proves to be the exact opposite of what is claimed. With technology and the Internet people are beginning to change their perception on the plan, and this year might be the first time in the History of the War on Drugs that a State within the United States actually re-legalized the plant under Federal Prohibition. It reminds me of the times that alcohol was illegal….doesn’t it?
At know how to get medical marijuana card Oregon legally for Medical use.

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