How to Get Rid of the Dirt of Kettle through Small Coups

After being used for some time, there will be a layer of dirt in the kettle, which is difficult to clean up. So, how to remove the dirt in the kettle? In the following, the healthy experts will introduce several small coups to clean up the dirt in the kettle.


First, it is fire baking. The healthy experts introduce that before removing the dirt in the kettle, we can bake the kettle on the fire. When the water vapor in the kettle is roasted to be dry completely, we should immediately put the dried kettle immerse in the cold water, but remember not to let the water into the kettle. At this time, once the hot bottom of the kettle contacts with cold water, it will sharply contract, so that the dirt in the kettle will shatter and fall off.


Second, it is baking soda. If the aluminum kettle of your family appears scale, you can add water in the kettle, and put one tablespoon of baking soda, and then use big fire to boil a few minutes, and finally the dirt will disappear. Third, you can use the kettle with dirt to boil eggs. In daily life, when the kettle appears the scale, we can use it to cook a few eggs, and after the eggs are cooked, the scale in the kettle will disappear, which is killing two birds with one stone.


Fourth, we can make full use of potato skins. After the kettle or pot use for some time, there will be difficult to remove scale. If we put the potato skins on the kettle or pot inside, add an appropriate amount of water in it, and then use bog fire to boil it for 10 minutes, the dirt of the kettle or pot will be lost. Fifth, it is vinegar. Healthy experts said that after the kettle appear scale, we can put the vinegar in the kettle, and add the right amount of water in the kettle, and after boiling use small fire to cook the kettle, the scale in the kettle will lose after about 1 or 2 hours. Or you can choose the soda solution to cook it, which can also remove the scale as the same.


Sixth, we can use this kettle to cook sweet potato. In order to prevent the emergence of scale in the new kettle, we can use it to cook sweet potato, and then add the water to cook, doing so will not appear scale in the kettle any more.


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