Famous Fashion Designers of the 21st Century

Fashion designing is no longer new to many. But the root of this beautiful art and the people behind it is much interesting as fashion itself.

If you are curious how and when fashion designing started then you should start by going back to the 19th century. Though we have enough records and evidences that clothing has been part of the human history since time immemorial, it was not until the 19th century when people had started to put arts in the way they dress. By browsing up the internet we find that the first fashion literature circulated in America and Britain paved way for the development of fashion. Fashion according to the literatures is actually the way of dressing well and correctly. Until now, fashion is still the most celebrated and talked topic in the internet, on television, on print media, and everywhere else. Though at first fashion has been always inclined with femininity, these days, male clothing styles have been included in most collections.

But what made fashion flourish even more are the people behind it. It could be remembered that Charles Frederick Worth was the first famous fashion designer that many considers as the father of Haute Couture. After Worth, several other fashion designers followed his footsteps and even improved the once Worth has spend all of his lifetime to. So, if you are asking who is going to be that name written on the tag of your workwear uniforms or shirts then you probably is missing the mark. Here are some of the most famous fashion designers of the 21st century living and dead that has made a name and development to fashion.

1. Ralph Lauren – If you knew about the line of clothing named Polo then you are aware of Ralph Lauren. Lauren is an American fashion designer who started his designing career in 1967 by making ties. Then his next feat followed a batch of men

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