Pain and new: multinational appliance companies in China New Games – Whirlpool, drum washing machine – household appliances

< BR> For some time, "no strategy for multinational companies in China" argument have caused many people's concern and discussion. So in the end whether the strategy of multinational corporations in China do? <BR> From a series of recent cross-border Home Appliances The company's operations and strategy of the multinational appliance companies in China can […]

The advent of washing machines use high-temperature days, the eight misunderstanding Zhuge Kan – drum washing machines, home appliances – home appliances industry

From Golden week, hot weather after another attack on the capital, with the Huanyi accelerates, Washing machine Family life once again in one of the most important household appliances. And because higher temperatures, bacteria faster, caution must be exercised using the washing machine. I give you today to talk about use of high temperature days, […]

Diluted household electrical appliance enterprises profit collective "duties," – home appliances business, profitable, profits diluted – HC Network Appliance Industry

Circle long ago, there Azeri said before, Home Appliances Industry disputes the number of events and entertainment can match, gave away the complicated disputes which plagued the derision also somewhat self-deprecating. Like those who were to be made a star of entertainment stars, riding on the aftermath of new effects, acting quickly out of albums, […]

China will allocate 7.5 billion yuan TM to support the automotive appliances – appliances TM, Appliance Sales – appliances industry

Deputy Director Ministry of economic development, said Zeng An Jieshao, the central government through the 2009 supplementary budget arrangements the automotive, appliance "TM" subsidies to 7.0 billion, including home appliances, "TM" 2000000000 element. Appliances "TM" to bear 20% of the part of the local subsidy, a total of 500 million yuan. Ministry of Finance to […]

Chen Xiao attract investment from the United States for the country talking about additional special provisions – Chen Xiao, Gome Electrical Appliances – household appliances

< BR> domestic enterprises for the introduction of foreign institutions it this way, also euphemistically called "strategic investor", but the bitter experience of Chen Xiao this understanding there is of its own: the strategic investors are carnivorous animals, aimed at holding power, and herbivorous financial investors is a phased investment, not thinking of holding right, […]