Locking up and securing your scooter on the street

Don’t let some moron steal your scooter. Lock it up and keep it safe.

The first thing to consider when you have to lock up your scooter for any reason is the security of the area. You will want to check around with the local police department or just ask around. You will want to know how many if any bikes or scooters have been stolen recently. This will give you some idea if this is the right spot or not. You will want to try and park it somewhere close by the area you will be in and if possible within sight of you. Being able to see who is trying to steal your scooter can be just as helpful as catching them yourself. Park your scooter in an area where there are a lot of people passing by on a regular basis. This will sometimes prevent someone from trying to steal it if there is always a crowd around. If there are other scooters around that will also decrease the chances of yours getting stolen because when there is only one it stands out and attracts more attention then say a whole row of them. Safety in numbers can sometimes apply to scooters as well.

One of the popular choices to lock up scooters with is sheathed cable which is lightweight and easy to carry. When you are riding your scooter you can just simple wrap the cable around your waste for easy carrying. You can wrap this cable easily through wheels and around lamp post or bike rack or wherever you choose. These cables are easy to get on and off your scooter and also because there are rubber sheathed they are much less damaging to the scooters paint than a straight metal chain would be.
The best practice to take is always lock your scooter to something that is an immoveable object. This will ensure that even if they do not have the right tools to cut your cable that they can not just pick up whatever it is tied to and take the whole thing. Locking your scooter to a tree is not always a good idea as well because the tree bark can do some serious damage to the paint on your scooter and in most areas this is illegal. You want to be sure to always park your scooter out of the way of any entrance to any building close by. This can cause big problems for you and the owner of said building. Be sure if you park your scooter along a side walk that it is not in the way of the flow of people walking or other scooter or bike riders. This can not only cause damage to your scooter but may get someone hurt. You will also want to check and be sure you are aloud to park on the sidewalk, because in some areas this can be illegal unless privately owned and you have the owners permission.

The best way to chain up your self propelled scooter is to put it in folded mode and tie the whole scooter to the immoveable object. You can take the cable and intertwine it through the scooter wheels and out for extra security. Some recommended object can be anything from lamp posts, wrought iron tree guards, only if legal in your area, and side walk mounted bike racks. Be sure that these things are heavy and could not be moved or bent to free your scooter. Follow these steps will ensure that you have done what you can to keep your scooter safe and secure.

Keep your 2 wheel scooter safe by locking it up when not in use. Don’t leave it outside or in an unsafe area, especially after dark.

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