The Jogging in Our Life

The running we general what is said is jogging and it belongs to oxygen sport, it is usually going to be at four or five o’clock in the afternoon.
People should have a movement after finishing a day work and as it is the same time of our body biological rhythm. The study tells us that there is a best time for us and that is about five o’clock in the afternoon. The early morning is right choice for us. The air is new and fresh and other side there is a little traffic at that time. The temperature is below normal, you have to be ready for preparations which the conversion of slow and fast. The joint of all body and muscle can get full preheated. It can also make respiratory system, cyclic system enters into working condition little by little and then you can conduct running exercise. In this matter you may avoid showing up fatigue ahead of time and cut down probability of sport injury
The action skill of running is stressed that you can not show your hands in the front and not show your elbows in the back. Shoulder joint takes it easy and swing of the arm forward and back. The body bends forward and focus stands forward so as to that the focuses could make body have a movement. The breath needs rhythmic and you may usually take every breath two or three steps. To the best of your abilities’ to do it with your nose. On the condition of increasing action intension and then what movement needs can not get enough from the breath from our nose and in this way you also could take breath though mouth. Whereas it is particular about the means. Usually we use our tip of tongue reaches the upper jaw and make the air which we breathe in enter into airway from the left and right of tongue. Like this the irritation of airway is from cold air may cut down as well as prevent having a stomach after taking a running.
There is a feeling of having a thirsty and you had better not drink water in a hurry. Like this it will sit heavy on your heart and then it will have a water intoxication or not also have a stop motion all of a suddenly. It is risk to make gravity shock of body. You should carry out walking and after that have a proper leg pressing, enlarge chest and so on. Keep our muscle clam gradually and have an amount of water.
In the course of jogging there is a period called time of hard which you will have a feeling of choking sensation in chest losing breath, muscle hurt. In the course of adaptation to breath and muscle will produce it, there is need a firm will for you. You should adjust the breath rhythm in your own ideas and only in this way you can get though the difficulty time. Thereby you will have a feeling of breath free and relax and find have strength of our muscle and then enter into the top of you. On the best conditions we can enjoy the happiness and excitement which running brings to us. If you want to be strong, let us run. If you want to be beautiful, let us run. If you want to be smart, let us run.

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