The Social Side Of The Highly Competitive Lawn Bowling
There is no doubt about it; lawn bowling is a highly competitive game that generates some pretty intense emotions in its players. However, it is also a game played by gentlemen who understand that a sport involves much more than just winning or losing. These games are often played against members belonging to different clubs. The host club members are extremely hospitable and should ideally be present much before the game to ensure that they are available to greet the guest club members. The games are generally preceded with a social meeting of the players over a drink.
Even during play any player who acts hostile towards the opposition or is stand offish is rare to find. Generally all players have a brief handshake before they commence the game and even during the game no verbal abuse or any such tactics are used by players to mentally affect the opposition. It is a highly sporting game of lawn bowling where good play is cheered even by the opposition. A tea break in the middle of the game is another norm that allows players to mingle with each other. The end of the game is generally characterized by another round of handshakes and sounds of good bowling and pats on the back resounding across the greens.
While the spirit is exceptionally sporting, that does not take away in any way from the essence of the game. Trying to block each other’s bowls and getting the jack as far as possible from the opponent’s bowl by using a toucher are all tactics that employed by players to increase their chances of winning. However, all these are allowed in the rules of the game and do not in any way take away from the essential gentlemanly play.
Barefoot bowling Melbourne is another version of the lawn bowls, where amateur players play for fun. This game is generally enjoyed by families and friends. Office employees also indulge in this sport as a means of building team spirit and competing against each other in a competitive yet friendly way. The game can be enjoyed by people of all ages thus it is the ideal sport to be enjoyed by families having children. Children are not only able to participate competently but are also introduced to the concept of healthy competition at an early age.
Barefoot bowling should ideally be played without any shoes on. However, flat thongs and socks are allowed for the benefit of those who find the idea of walking barefoot on grass repelling. Wearing heels is absolutely banned in this game as the sharp edges can rip the greens apart causing irreparable damage to the bowling area. While the game was earlier played with black and brown balls it is now possible to play the game with balls in various colours. This makes the game even more fun for the young children who just adore rolling these pretty balls down the bright green surfaces.
Resource box:
Lawn bowling club conducts several lawn bowling tournaments in a year. Barefoot bowling Melbourne is also possible on their professional standard greens.