Choosing Rock Climbing Clothes

Choosing Rock Climbing Clothes

When going rock climbing, there is a lot of gear that goes with it. There are ropes and harnesses as well as other safety gear that allow climbers to climb in safety when on difficult rock faces. People can do rock climbing inside or outside these days as there are rock climbing gyms that provide rock climbing walls for people to practice on. These rock climbing gyms do not require as much equipment to be gathered in order to use the walls since the gym provides the harnesses, ropes and even the shoes to climb in if the person needs them. Rock climbing clothes are for the most part when people probably already own in workout gear. Rock climbing clothes do need to be more form fitting, however, so that they do not get in the way, and they also need to be stretchy so that the person can move freely within them.

Other Gear

There are some companies that provide rock climbing clothes that are specially made for the sport. One thing that rock climbing shirts have is a pocket in the small of the back to allow chalk and some other small items to be placed there for easy access during a climb. Otherwise, the rock climbing clothes should be made of breathable materials so that the water will wick away from the skin while climbing to keep the climbers temperature steady throughout the climb. The rock climbing pants are often like tights, depending on the climber. Sometimes shorts are worn depending on the weather.

Besides the rock climbing clothes, the shoes are very important to the safety and enjoyment of the climb. There are different styles of shoes that are made for the different types of climbing that are done by rock climbers. The shoes have to be fitted comfortably so that the feet are secure within them throughout the climb. The shoes are usually fitted to a smaller size than people are used to, since the toes are slightly curled under in them, thus allowing a more solid base for the climbers when perched on the small ledges on rock faces.

Some of these shoes have thicker soles while others have thinner soles, thus allowing more sensitivity to the conditions of the rock face. The thicker soles are usually better for beginning climbers that do not have strength in their feet yet for longer climbs. More experienced climbers like to feel the cliff beneath their feet more, and will want the thinner soles.

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