Getting To Grips With Rock Climbing

Getting To Grips With Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is often misunderstood or romanticized by those who are not in the loop. It is seen as the domain of adrenaline junkies and tough macho guys. While rock climbing certainly utilizes strength it can be taken up by almost anyone willing to learn and dedicate their time to the sport. Even if you live in an area without great climbing routes you can still learn how to rock climb, you just need to be a little creative about it.

Starting Out

Learning about the sport is the first step to mastering rock climbing; you can do this by reading magazines about the sport. This will introduce you to the type of gear that you will need and the terms that you will come across when learning how to rock climb.

Visiting forums dedicated to the sport will also help you to learn from others experienced with the sport. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, this is a great way to find out how others got their start in the sport. You may even find rock climbers in your area who may know about rock climbing resources that are valuable to a beginner.

Indoor climbing

A big problem many people face is a logistical one when trying to learn how to rock climb. Your home may be nowhere near a decent rock climbing route. While many diehard fans of the sport will tell you that the best way to learn is with natural rock there is no harm with starting in an indoor gym.

Indoor gyms are fast gaining popularity and chances are you will be able to find one somewhere near you. Once you gain some knowledge and experience in an indoor gym you can then venture out to natural rock climbing routes. You can be sure that once you have been bitten by the rock climbing bug you will be willing to travel to get to good climbing sites.

Don’t Overreach

There are many types of rock climbing, and the longer you are involved in the sport you will probably want to branch out and try different types of climbs. To start out with however indoor climbing and bouldering are a great introduction to the sport.

Free climbing, a type of climbing that does not use equipment, is probably best attempted only after you have more experience. However if you have been climbing for some time you may want to try your hand at Trad climbing. This type of climbing utilizes climbing gear to aid your progress.

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