Kids Can Enjoy Rock Climbing, Too!

Kids Can Enjoy Rock Climbing, Too!

You may think of rock climbing as a strictly adult sport; but it’s not. Kids can enjoy rock climbing just as much as adults, they just need a smaller wall. That’s why many rock climbing gyms are installing kids indoor rock climbing walls. Kids indoor rock climbing walls are smaller than adult walls and the pegs are small so that the kids’ little hands and feet fit better. This makes them completely safe for kids. And you don’t have to worry about your little one when you drop him or her off at the rock climbing gym. The instructors are there to ensure your tyke is safe while he or she learns to climb just like the most agile adult on the kids indoor rock climbing wall.

Early Learning

Kids who learn to climb on kids rock climbing walls will become experts by the time they become adults. That’s why it’s a great idea to send your kid to an indoor gym that has such walls. The kids indoor rock climbing walls teach coordination, they build strength, they teach teamwork and camaraderie and, most of all, they teach kids that exercising can be fun. If your kid loves to climb on a kids indoor rock climbing wall, he or she is less likely to become overweight and sedentary as an adult. Your child will actually gain a hunger and appreciation for working out and for fitness in general and it’s because he or she started out so young.


Parents may be apprehensive to send their kid to a gym that has a kids indoor rock climbing wall. They may think it’s dangerous to have their kid climbing a wall, even one with multicolored pegs to make it easier. And they’re right; rock climbing can be dangerous. However, these gyms that have kids indoor rock climbing walls put a huge importance on safety. That’s why they’ll be there with your child every step of the way to ensure they don’t get hurt. The kids just end up having fun, not realizing the instructor is watching them like a hawk to make sure they don’t fall and injure themselves. There are many gyms that have kids indoor rock climbing walls and rarely is there an accident and that’s because of the great instructors who are looking out for the kids making sure they have the time of their lives while also remaining as safe as possible.

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