Popular powerful because the heart

Music or the entertainment industry, all the stars are good, how can red? This seems to be conclusive, you are either good looking or very publicity, or are willing to pay the cost of the unspoken rules, or have the strength to sing or play well.

Really so?

Let us look at Xu Wei, Cheer Chen, Jian these people. They look nice? Are not necessarily their own characteristics, but is not really anything in the entertainment.

They advertise? We all know, these people almost do not do publicity, almost all of the film independently, would have little commercial publicity.

So, if they sing particularly good? Admittedly, these few vocals are remarkable, but still not really the best.

But why after all these years, Xu Wei, Cheer Chen, Li Jian, even red it?

The secret is not out of the body, but rather the strong of heart. In one sense, a powerful heart of the Rangers, life may be better than the rich. Because he is more know what they want and know better how to adhere to self-importance. I’ve seen many people with knowledge and skills to do this today, tomorrow to do that, but always about the market or other people’s comments. A sing good songs, probably because of the audience remarked, completely lost the direction. A writing a book to write a good person, because the reader’s time reproach, ever give up their insistence.

Xu Wei, Cheer Chen, Li Jian these people? You can listen to their music, is almost the same type, similar to the singing style similar to the lyrics, and even sometimes, even the tone is similar. From the first listen you will know, this is a small congregation. But they have only one attitude in the face, it is perseverance. So they formed a self-world, every year to attract more people to listen to, although not much, but always accumulating. Snowball snowball, in the end, this has become an amazing, large cast.

Star, has never been the goal of these people, but they are strong of heart, made them take this step. In fact, people really do not need to learn too many things. Proficient in some, some knowledge of, understand some, and then stick to it.

Really important, in fact, the peace of mind and firm.

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